Megan Wolfinger

Meet Megan

Megan lives in Greenville, WI with her husband and three girls; 4, 2 and 1.  Her love for Disney began as a child on family trips.  She went to Disney with her high school marching band and actually started dating her husband while on a trip to Disneyland! Since meeting her husband, they have traveled to WDW seven times in the last 11 years.  She is instilling her love for Disney in her girls who regularly ask when they can make their next Disney countdown paper chain. 

Having done a few trips now with young kids, she is becoming quite the expert on doing Disney with toddlers and babies and has learned that there is no “magic age” to bring your kids.  She can give simple advice for breastfeeding and pumping mothers.  She can give you personal travel advice for details involving what would be the easiest way to travel to which parks from any given Disney hotel with strollers and baby gear. 

She also has several good ideas on how to plan a day around events in the parks and around dining reservations to get the most out of your days without the otherwise inevitable meltdowns from a day of “too much fun”.   She also is great at finding special dining reservations that seem impossible to get.  Megan enjoys talking all things Disney and is here to help you.

Contact Megan:

You can also follow her adventures on Instagram and Facebook